9 Ways To Have Better Orgasms (Right Now)


9 Ways To Have Better Orgasms (Right Now)



Get Yours, Girl!

The official dictionary defines orgasm as “a climax of sexual excitement, characterized by feelings of pleasure centered in the genitals.” But we like the Urban Dictionary’s definition a little better: “The best possible feeling. Ever. The peak pleasure of sex. It’s like an explosion in the inside of your body, but it feels great.” Yeah, baby! Here are nine ways to have better orgasms — right now.

9 Ways To Have Better Orgasms (Right Now)

Get Clitoral

The old school song said, “Let’s Get Physical” but we are hereby changing it to “Let’s Get Clitoral.” The clitoris is the only organ in the human body designed solely for pleasure. Think about it. The clitoris has at least 8,000 (!!!) nerve endings devoted to making you feel oh so good. To put that in perspective, the penis has roughly 4,000 nerve endings. If you want to be more orgasmic, gorgeous one, move your focus from the vagina to the clitoris. Most women are unable to orgasm from vaginal sex alone. During sex you can choose positions that allow you or your partner to stimulate your clitoris. And all will be right with your world.

9 Ways To Have Better Orgasms (Right Now)

Move It Or Lose It

Moving your bodacious body helps you open yourself to new heights of mental, physical, and healing emotional pleasure. Sexual dance increases your body confidence, increases blood flow, gets that sacral chakra energy popping, and gets the endorphins flowing. Each of these sexy qualities leads to you being more orgasmic. Try burlesque, pole fitness, belly dancing, tantric yoga or just good ole fashioned twerking. And there you have it, gorgeous. Being more orgasmic is your responsibility to yourself. Go forth in pleasure — and thrive!

9 Ways To Have Better Orgasms (Right Now)

Kegels and Pleasure… or Nah?

Yes, you can kegel your way to satisfaction. These pelvic floor squeezes help with everything from childbirth and urinary incontinence to the ability to be more orgasmic. Need we say more? One-two-three, kegel! If your doctor recommends it, you may even want to try a kit such as: IntiFit Premium Kegel Exercise Kit for Women – Silicone Pelvic Floor Weight Set.

Tantric Bliss, Anyone?

The known practice of tantra, involving yoga, mantras, meditation, and sacred rituals dates back to at least the 6th century. Tantric sex became famous when folks learned that they could become more orgasmic with unbounded pleasure. Okay, sign us up! Tantra is said to be able to help us have OMG orgasms. For this reason, tantra is also known as enlightened sex. There is tantric massage for the entire body. Let your imagination run wild! Tantrikas teach that breathing is the key to better orgasms, and the experts say that any adult can learn. The power of the breath makes sense. Breathing helps us to relax and increases oxygen flow everywhere, including our sexual organs.

9 Ways To Have Better Orgasms (Right Now)

Tap Into Your Divine Feminine Energy

The Sacred Bombshell movement is all about being a woman who loves, honors and cherishes herself in mind-body-and spirit. Tap into your Sacred Feminine Energy and awaken your sacral chakra. This is the party of the body that houses your reproductive organs… and your pleasure. Try the Aphrodisiac Love Spell Kit or Womb Chakra Bliss Kit that includes a Sensual Chakra Body Oil, Yoni Bliss Spray, Yoni Jade Egg and other goodies to help you become a more orgasmic goddess.

Relax and Let Go

We define safe sex as experiences that are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually safe. The beautiful thing is that once you know that you’re safe with your partner, you can let your freak flag fly! Being uptight never made any woman more orgasmic. Let go. Step into your goddess self. Feel free in your body. Be selfish with your pleasure. Most of us only focus on pleasing our partners. Instead, make sure that you are pleased as well. Think about your orgasm as your responsibility and then let it all go. We promise, it’ll be much sexier for your bedmate as well!

9 Ways To Have Better Orgasms (Right Now)

Study, Study, Study!

You can learn ecstatic breathing techniques by taking a class solo or with your partner. If you’re looking for a more discreet and intimate beginning, try books and documentaries such as:

•    Yoga Undressed, The Goddess Series – Naked Yoga for the Beginner
•    Sex Up Your Life With Tantric Massages (book)
•    Tantric Yoga for Lovers
•    The Everything Tantric Sex Book: Learn Meditative, Spontaneous and Intimate Lovemaking (book)
•    The Tantric Secrets of Sacred Sex

9 Ways To Have Better Orgasms (Right Now)

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